West Meets East and Aristotle Meets Basho

POESSAYWORLD NEWS ポエッセイワールド・ニュース


A Movie of Poessays "TABI"(in Italian)
taoistmovies さんが 2011/11/21 にアップロード
E il Giappone venne fuori da solo, con naturalezza, in tutte le sue naturali inclinazioni. Puro e inatteso come un sogno, sospeso come la stessa vita - nel suo incessabile attimo di esistenza: il cinema e' l'eterno presente.

Gambari-kun had a joint exhibition with his wife
at Kyoto International Community Hall from August 6 to August 10, 2008.
Gambari-kun and his wife in The Daily Yomiuri (October 9, 2008)
"Kyoto couple making creative connections"

Mr. Jan Theuninck's poessay Tyne Cot has been engraved on
the steel wall of the Corten youth library in Zonnebeke, Belgium (May 2008)
Jan Theuninckさんのポエッセイがベルギーの図書館の壁に刻まれました。(2008年5月)
see : http://www.e-architect.co.uk/belgium/zonnebeke_library.htm

The first book of poessays, EN not YEN by Gambarikun was published by Maruzen Co. Ltd. Kyoto Kawaramachi. (2000)
最初のポエッセイの本「EN not YEN」が京都丸善から出版されました。(2000年)

Not unlike a large bar of chocolate in its physical dimension, the bite-sized selections of light verse in EN not YEN are every bit as satisfying. ...ブックレビューKansai Time Out

... The beauty of the "poessay" is that all the garbage - the punctuation, sentence form - is dross. Gambari-kun gets you straight to his point in an instant and still manages to inject pathos, nostalgia, appreciation ... all the trappings of poetry without the frippery and lace. ...ブックレビューKyoto Social Club

To order the book, please contact: Eight-Kobo (Tel./Fax. 075-951-9877), or e-mail to POESSAYWORLD
sampachi at mbox dot kyoto-inet dot or dot jp (Please change 'at' to '@', 'dot' to '.' to e-mail. Please write "Ordering EN not YEN" as the subject.)
本のご注文は、エイト工房へ(Tel./Fax. 075-951-9877)または、ポエッセイワールドへメールで。
sampachi at mbox dot kyoto-inet dot or dot jp (atを@に、dotを. にかえてください。件名にEN not YENと入れてください。)

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